Current Projects

Serial No. Projects Name Projects Director Implementing Agency Projects Duration Objective of the Project
1 Construction of Rajshahi WASA Bhaban Md. Mahbubur Rahman
Phone: +88-0721-760068
Mobile: +880-1722-679235
Rajshahi WASA, Rajshahi. July 2020 - June 2023

To provide effective working establishment for staffs in order to plan, operate and manage the basic urban services up to desired satisfaction of the city dwellers To Improve physical environment and living condition of city dwellers. Rendering service facilities ensure effectively by establishing proper functional facilities.

2 Rajshahi WASA Surface Water Treatment Plant. Md. Parvez Mamud
Phone: +88-0721-761639
Mobile: +88-01713098863
Rajshahi WASA, Rajshahi. July, 2018 - June, 2022

Construction of Rajshahi WASA surface water treatment plant to increase water supply and population coverage,  which will provide the water supply system as follows :

  1. To ensure customer satisfaction according to water demand up to 2035 through increasing population coverage by water supply from 71 % to 100 %, average daily consumption from 65lpcd to 140 lpcd & improving water quality by producing 200 MLD potable water.
  2. To make the water supply system sustainable through improvement of water resource management by 100% water supply from surface water sources.